

What does Coordinate Calculator do?

Recalculates coordinates!

Coordinate Calculator can calculate Lat/Lon coordinates to/from coordinates in different projection, local datums (264 datums) andВ  on different spheroids(33 spheroids).

It uses coordinate system definition, recommended by Defence Mapping Agency(DMA) Technical Report 8350.2. It differs from previous version with new copy protection system - you can use all functions and expanded list of spheroids during evaluation period (reduced set of spheroids in previous version). Coordinate Calculator is a 32-bit application and can run under Windows 95/98/NT/2K/XP.

Spheroid List

AA Airy 1830
AN Australian National
BR Bessel 1841 Ethiopia, Indonesia, Japan, and Korea
BN Bessel 1841 Namibia
CC Clarke 1866
CD Clarke 1880**
EB Everest Brunei and E. Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak)
EA Everest India 1830
EC Everest India 1956***
EE Everest W. Malaysia and Singapore 1948
ED Everest W. Malaysia 1969***
RF Geodetic Reference System 1980
HE Helmert 1906
HO Hough 1960
IN International 1924 (ED-50,Heyford)
KA Krassovsky 1940
AM Modified Airy
FA Modified Fischer 1960
SA South American 1969
WD WGS 1972
WE WGS 1984
PS PS-90
CU Clarke 1880 (unModified)


Projections List

1. Geographic coordinates (degrees and grads)
2. Geocentric coordinates
3. Lambert projection
4. Stereographic projection
5. UTM grid (Easting coordinate with zone number)
6. Gausse-Kruger grid (Easting coordinate with zone number)
7. Transverse Mercator projection